In order to meet its obligations regarding Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Terrorist Financing (CTF), GlolinkOTC s.r.o. has adopted a risk-based approach which enables to identify, assess, and understand the money laundering and terrorist financing risk to which GlolinkOTC s.r.o. is exposed, and take the appropriate mitigation measures in accordance with the level of risk.
– Risk By Customers:
Suspicious facts such as but not limited to the: discrepancies in provided id documents, fictitious person, stolen identity, counterfeited id document, post box home address, pervious financial crime record, terrorist record, wanted person, no contact phone number, not valid documents, discrepancies in provided documents for the legal person, etc.
PEPs such as but not limited to the: prominent public functions: head of state, head of government, minister and deputy or assistant minister; a member of parliament or of a similar legislative body, a member of a governing body of a political party, a member of a supreme court, a member of a court of auditors or of the board of a central bank; an ambassador, a chargé d’affaires and a high- ranking officer in the armed forces; a member of an administrative, management or supervisory body of a state-owned enterprise; a director, deputy director and member of the board or equivalent function of an international organization, except middle-ranking or more junior officials.
– Risk By Countries:
Anti-Money Laundering Directive imposes stricter due diligence requirements for business relationships or transactions that involve high-risk third countries. These include requirements to obtain additional information on the customer and beneficial owner, sources of funds and wealth, reasons for the transaction as well as a requirement to obtain senior management approval in order to establish or continue the relationship.
To get to know its customers, GlolinkOTC s.r.o. performs ongoing and retrospective monitoring in order to catch any attempts of fraudulent, illegal or unlawful activity.
– GlolinkOTC s.r.o. will monitor all transactions. Each suspicious activity will be thoroughly investigated and, if necessary, reported to the respective authorities or other restrictive measures taken to ensure no money laundering or terrorist financing activity is performed.
– GlolinkOTC s.r.o. will request the User to provide any additional information and documents in case of suspicious transactions.
– GlolinkOTC s.r.o. will suspend or terminate work with a client if there is reasonable suspicion that such a client is engaged in illegal activities.
GlolinkOTC s.r.o. activities and operations are subject to supervision by the Financial Analytical Office (FAÚ), which is the responsible authority overseeing the appropriate implementation of AML/CTF measures. ICO: 19443641
Users from the UK resident community and those with UK IP addresses cannot access our services.
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